The Hunky Punks Project is a series of youth and community workshops to create monsters from recycled fabrics and materials based upon the Hunky Punks found on All Saint's Church, Langport. The workshops will cumulate in a showcase event as part of the Langport festival at the church.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Installation at All Saints Church

We all had fun installing the Hunky Punks made by the local Langport community; There were so many Hunky Punks, it was a challenge finding space for them all! 

We would love to see you along at Langport Festival to make your own Hunky Punk, on 8th June between 2 and 4.30pm at The All Saints Church. Free event. Or if you can't make then do come and visit the display open all week. 

Walter the Giant Hunky Punk is doing a good job of guarding the 'make your own Hunky Punk kits' He'll let you have one for £3.50, if you can get it done by Saturday lunchtime, bring it to the church and we'll include it in the competition for the most gruesome Hunky Punk as judged by local author and Hunky Punk expert Peter Poynzt-Wright at 4.30pm. 

Come and see the Hunky Punks to get some inspiration to make your own!

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